School Council

The role of School Council is extremely important to the life of the school community.  We would like all members of the school community to consider their involvement in the School Council.  It is a very rewarding and stimulating group and a great way to assist the future direction of the school.

School Council Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30pm in our staffroom.

School Council members and positions:
Executive Officer - Dolores Giordimaina
President - Nancy Howe
Vice President - Nicolas Tran
Treasurer - Sharalee Smythe
Secretary - Angela Worledge
Other Members on School Council are:
Staff Members:
Ashleigh O'Keefe
Amy Goodwin
Parent Members:
Joanne Riley
Kimberley Braszell
Tyson Stone
Brett McBean
Gemma Taylor
Community Members: